Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The purpose of this blog

First, let me start off by saying that I have never blogged before. I am a blog virgin! In fact, I have never really been much of a writer either. So I am a newby on quite a few fronts. I guess I started thinking about this blog a few weeks ago when I decided that I needed to tap into this whole "social networking" thing. It is really quite interesting! Did you know that there are blogs that you can read where the whole purpose is to comment on other blogs. Anyway, once I decided to start a blog, I had to think of a theme. Something that was interesting, usefull, insightful, and that I had not seen anywhere else. So I decided to blog about three things that my life is centered around, which is where I came up with the title of this blog, "Faith, Family, Business and the Harmonious Pursuit". You see, I am a very passionate person. This is a very challenging thing to be when you have three areas of your life to manage. How do we pursue so many different things in life that seem to conflict with each other and still manage to be completely devoted to each of those departments in our life? This is the million dollar question! And one that I hope to discover throughout my journey of life. I will admit to you right now that I don't have the answer, and it may take a long time to figure it out. So, if I seem lost at times or don't make sense, have no fear! We will figure it out together.